Monday, September 3, 2012

Hurricane Isaac hits Haiti

We received initial reports of the tropical storm Isaac's damage to Haiti and to the School of the Child Jesus:

Greetings to all friends of Child Jesus School, Petit-Goâve, Haiti.  Below are the comments received from Fr. Marc Claudy Magloire, a priest of the Archdiocese of Port-au-Prince and Administrator of Child Jesus School and Servants of Mary Center.  His comments appear translated into English (green).
Please help us spread the word.  Once again our sisters and brothers in Haiti have been affected by natural disaster.  This time it was Hurricane Isaac.  There has some lives lost and much destruction, once again, to homes, churches, schools.
As you can read below, Child Jesus School, sponsored and supported by Order of Servants of Mary has once again suffered damage.  Once more, the protective wall has crumbled.  Once again, the property and the school are at risk, as Fr. Magloire indicates below.
We turn to you, once again, for your financial assistance in response to the needs of the children of Child Jesus School, their families and staff.  Whatever contribution you are able to make at this time will be greatly appreciated.
Please send your donations (check made out to Servants of Mary) to:
CHICAGO IL  60612-2729
In advance, we thank you for your generosity.  Please remember our sisters and brothers - children, youth, adults, and elderly - in Haiti in your prayers.  Thank you!!
Fr. Vidal Martínez,OSM
Spiritual Assistant
Servant of Mary Center
Child Jesus School
Petit-Goâve, Haiti
Bonjour mon Pere,je viens de terminer une visite a Petit Goave apres le passage de l'ouragan devastateur du nom de Isaac.A l'ecole Enfant Jeuss,les degats sont consirables.Beaucoup de nos bananiers sont tombes,le mur situe en face de la nouvelle construction est tombe ras le sol,la cours est devenue un peu desert et l'insecurite de la maison se fait sentir.

Comme solution provisoir,j'ai vite fait un barrage en bois avec des toles pour remedier provisoirement au probleme.Nous devons tres rapidement penser a relever le mur,pour eviter que des gents du dehors viennent penetrer la cours de l'ecole.Paix Pere Magloire Marc Claudy
Hello my Father, I have just completed a visit to Petit Goave after the devastating hurricane named Isaac.A Child Jeuss the school, the damage is consirables.Beaucoup our bananas are tombs, located opposite the wall new construction has fallen low to the ground, the course became a little desert and insecurity of the house arises.

PROVISIONAL solution as I quickly made a wooden dam with sheet metal to remedy provisionally probleme.Nous need to think very quickly up the wall, to avoid that the gents come out during penetrate the school. Pere Peace Marc Magloire
Suggestion: Il est un fait que le relevement du mur est une affaire urgente.Mais si vous voulez avoir une plus grande idee de ce qui s'est passe exactement,avoir des photos d'appui vous pouvez faire le travail apres avoir visite l'ecole en Octobre prochain. Bref! En tout cas, ecrivez-moi pour que je sache exactement ce que je dois faire. Paix! Pere Magloire
Suggestion: It is a fact that the raising of the wall is a matter urgente.Mais if you want a greater idea of ​​what exactly has happened, have photos you can support the work after having visited the school next October. Short! In any case, write me so that I know exactly what I do. Peace! Pere Magloire

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