Sunday, March 3, 2013

Bondye bene ou (God bless you!)

“It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important.”
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince

It is the night before we head out for this little school, in this little town, to visit the little ones, in order to know more fully the little way.  We have spent-- wasted, you might say-- much time preparing for this mission, meeting so many beautiful people along the way, in response to a call last year.  Those moments are what makes it so important, so beautiful. 

As we stuffed the last things we will share into our suitcases, we reflected on how incredibly loved we felt.  Many have sent their prayers and hugs and love... we are surrounded with support... and we feel this presence profoundly today... ready to go share and witness.  So, to use a couple phrases we have learned:

Gras a Dye (thanks be to God!) and Bondye bene ou (God bless you!)


  1. My prayers are with you, Ellen and Grace, that God pours out many blessings upon you and through you this week! I know He will. I can't wait to hear all you have to share when you return!

    Beth :o)

  2. Thank you, we are home safe and sound, can't wait to share more with everyone!
