Thursday, March 7, 2013

Tranquil Trust-- Thursday, March 7

“Our God, our heart’s guest knows it well, so He comes within us in the intent of finding a dwelling place, and empty tent, in the midst of the world’s battlefield… he asks no more than that… how great a soul must be to be able to contain a God!” St. Therese

 We are planting the seeds that one day will grow into the kingdom. We are inspired by the drawing a child gave us, and we design the gate painting from this drawing.  Truly, these children are the kingdom of God-- "Timoun yo se avni peyi nou"-- a new Haitian phrase I learned-- Children are the future of our country. 

 We trust that if we plant the seeds today... if we continue to care for the garden, watering, and tilling as it needs, that this little act will bear much fruit.  We find our new Haitian friends express this quite simply, as "Si Dye vle!"  If God wants!  We offer up our broken lives, our broken moments, to God, trusting that He will make it into a beautiful garden that he delights in.  We walk with our hearts held high, for we truly walk together. 

Mario, one of the teachers, shares his artwork with us as gifts:  

And I create a couple paintings in response to my time in Haiti:

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