Monday, March 11, 2013

for all that will be, wi-- Monday, March 11

For all the has been, Mesi (thank you).  For all that will be, Wi (yes!)

Could you be here, Jesus, in the unsightly trash and muddied water?  Could you be here, in the children with no clothes, in the eyes of longing, and rough hands, could you be here?
 Could you be here, Jesus, in the flow of Haiti time?  Could you be in the singing and dancing, in the mountains, and the sun, and the beach?  Could you be in the car accident on the side of the road, in the fwi-fruit- and in the fish?

  Could you be in the learning of a new language, a new game, a new dance?  Could you be in the classrooms with only chalkboards and a few long wooden desks?

Could you be here, in the tears shed, listening to a companion's story, in the exchange of artwork, or in saying goodbye at the airport?
 YES!  you are here, there is no question.  There is singing at the airport, too, there is warm air all around, there are smiles on their faces.  Yes you are here. 
Give us your heart.  Wash us with Love.  Help us to believe more fully in your great love for us, so that we might imitate your little way each day... building up the kingdom, day by day... moment by moment, word by word, movement by movement, breath by breath. 
  i love you haiti! M'ap sonje ou! I will miss you!


  1. Well done my sisters, glad you are back safely with expanded heart. Thank you for your beautiful sharing.

  2. We had a chalkboard which was half the size of the one you were using in my middle school through high school. Those were the best times. So innocent life.
